Wednesday 13 November 2013

Fun Facts - Zie Germans

Continuing in my things that I learned today vein.  These are just some facts that I have read recently or came up on a TV episode of QI about the German language and Germany.

German word for Tramp Stamp:

German slang for tramp stamp is Arschgeweih, which translates as ass antlers.  I just found that amusing.

Toronto Zoo - Moose
Tramp Stamp Inspector and Antler Aficionado

Playing the Hitler Card:

Have you ever been in a discussion group or a long argument and someone inappropriately brings up the Third Reich? Godwin's Law states: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1." I have seen this many of times in the comments section of the Globe and Mail with cyber trolls.  On TV Fox news pundits have made a habit of this over the years, particularly Glenn Beck.  Obama suggests properly inflating your tires to save on gas and thus reduce CO2 emissions.  Obama telling us what to do, how dare he!  He's just like Hitler.  The intention of the creator Mike Godwin was to suggest people think a little harder about comparing anything to the Holocaust.


Another fun German word to say with no English equivalent is zugzwang.  It's typically used in playing chess and it means to weaken one's position by having to move.  In chess you are required to move and can not pass on your turn.  Often as the game wears on, you will have to move a piece wrecking a defended position.

Kieran Playing Chess at Beaches Resort (2006)
With German Efficiency, I found a better way to win at Chess.

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