Wednesday 4 December 2013

Mediterranean Orzo Salad Recipe

This is a great pasta salad that can be made year round, but is probably best in the summer with BBQs or with Greek food.  It easily serves 10 people and has proven to be a crowd pleaser with my friends and family.  This salad takes about 25 minutes in prep time and majority of the work can be done while the orzo is boiling in the pot.  

Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Mediterranean Orzo Salad Recipe

This recipe has 3 components: Boiling the pasta, making the salad and making the dressing.

Boil the Pasta:

In a large pot of boiling salted water 2 cups of Orzo pasta

(Takes about 10 minutes for Al Dente)

(Rinse in cold water, let drain to cool pasta)

Preparing the Salad:

1 Sweet Red Pepper Diced

1/2 English Cucumber Diced

3/4 Cup Crumbled Cow's Feta Cheese

1/3 Cup Drained Oil-Packed Sun-Dried Tomatoes Chopped

1/4 Cup Fresh Parsley Chopped

1/3 Medium Red Onion Diced or 2 Shallots

Risotto Rice Cooled and Drained

In a separate small bowl combine and whisk:

1/4 Cup Lemon Juice (about 1 medium Lemon squeezed)

1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 TSP Liquid Honey

1/4 TSP Dried Oregano or 1 TBSP Chopped Fresh Oregano

1/2 TSP Salt

1/2 TSP Pepper

Combine salad and dressing in a serving bowl. Refrigerate for at least 1/2 prior to serving.  The salad will keep easily in the fridge for hours and will keep in the fridge for several days.

Ingredients for Mediterranean Orzo Salad Recipe
Note: I substituted dried parsley for fresh parsley.

Salad Ingredients Prepared

Salad Ingredients Prior to Tossing
Mediterranean Orzo Salad with Ingredients Combined

What I've learned in making this salad:

  • Orzo may look like rice, but it is really just special grain size pasta.  It can be found next to the penne and spaghetti at most grocery stores.
  • The directions on the pasta says 8 minutes to cook and boil.  I find the pasta never boils to 'Al Dente' per the instructions of the package.  Normally it takes 2 minutes longer in boiling salted water.

Comments, suggestions or thoughts?  Please add them below.

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